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11:14am on Wednesday, 3rd November, 2021:
Once a month, I attend a meeting with academics from three other universities, concerning student placements.
Well, I'm supposed to attend them: I've missed the past four.
Hmm, I haven't so much missed them as gone to the wrong one. They used to be on the first Tuesday of the month at 9:30, but because of timetable clashes they were moved to 9:30 on Wednesdays. In July, I duly went to the 9:30 one on Wednesday and discovered that the move wasn't taking place until the following month.
There wasn't a meeting in August, but in September I showed up at the appointed time but no-one was there. This was because the Zoom link had changed on account of how a different person was now running the meetings.
The timing of the monthly meetings was changed to 10:30 for October, because of more timetable clashes. I attended at 10:30, only it transpired that they weren't being changed until November.
Today was the first Wednesday of the month. I checked yesterday that the meeting was at 10:30, and was told that yes, it was. I deleted all the other entries in my calendar for this meeting (there were four of them) and duly showed up at 10:30. No-one else appeared. At 11:00, I received an email giving a completely new Zoom link, on account of how the person who had set up the regular meeting was on leave so couldn't start that meeting.
Fortunately, I only have one student for whom I need to find a placement.
Maybe I'll have more luck in December.
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