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9:03am on Friday, 27th March, 2020:

Not Out, Not About


There were far fewer people around this morning when I did my 35-minute circuit of the village:
2 buses (no passengers)
3 lorries, two of which were carrying skips
3 vans, two unmarked, one Post Office
15 non-BMW/Audi cars
8 BMW/Audi cars
2 cyclists
4 pedestrians, next-door neighbour, a jogger and a couple waking their dog for a talk

The drop in pedestrians is a big one. The drop in cars may be because the police were stopping vehicles yesterday asking drivers why they were on the road.

There was only one inconsiderate person: a cyclist. I was on a narrow part of the footpath and she sailed by within a foot of the kerb, puffing and panting. She could have gone out into the middle of the road, but no. I held my breath for 10 seconds after she'd gone past. She did say "good morning", though.

I'll try a different route tomorrow, so you will be spared further updates on this riveting research until I get bored of that one and come back.

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