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1:42pm on Friday, 21st February, 2020:
It took me twice as long to get home today, thanks to the ongoing roadworks at what used to be Colchester's two double mini-roundabouts but are now two single large roundabouts. The reason for this is that the west-bound through traffic now has to wait for two busy roads to clear as they have priority. I'm hoping, but not hopeful, that the problem will go away if they add more lanes to the roundabouts.
Anyway, while I was waiting, at one point the traffic coming in the opposite direction cleared. The driver of a car maybe 200 metres ahead used the opportunity to do a three-point turn so they could try another route. A second later, another car three or four behind it did the same, then another one pulled out while the first two were turning, then a fourth one joined in. It was as if each one that turned gave permission to the one a few cars behind it to turn, too.
This was quite impressive to watch anyway, but the weird thing was that all the cars that turned round this way were Audis. Maybe Audi drivers communicate over a secret Audinet or something, or perhaps they merely have less patience than other drivers. It was definitely spooky, anyway.
Despite having right of way on the roundabouts, the through traffic going east was also queued up when I drove past it. That was caused by two fire engines that everyone pulled over for, though, not by bad roundabout design.
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