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1:10pm on Tuesday, 19th May, 2020:

Close the the Wire


My CE217 examination has just finished. It was a 2-hour exam, but students had and extra hour in which to upload their answers so as to allow for possible Internet connection issues.

Here's the proportion of students who had submitted their assignment in the minutes leading up to the 13:00 deadline:

12:47    62%
12:48    63%
12:49    67%
12:50    67%
12:51    67%
12:52    67%
12:53    67%
12:54    67%
12:55    69%
12:56    72%
12:57    77%
12:58    82%
12:59    83%
13:00    83%

Quite a few students were cutting it fine there.

I'm a little concerned that 17% of the students didn't submit at all (there are no late submissions as od 13:10). Still, that's less marking for me now, if not for the resit paper in September.

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