
The everyday blog of Richard Bartle.

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2:11pm on Friday, 14th February, 2020:



How the Student Union shop works.

Shop: Here! Premium Aloe Vera drinks in Lychee, Mango and Pineapple!
Students: Lychee sounds interesting.
Shop: Here you go.
Students: Wow, it's great! Give me more!
Shop: Here you go.
Students: Oh no! You've run out of lychee!
Shop: We still have mango and pineapple.
Students: The mango is OK, that'll do.
Shop: Here you go.
Students: The lychee is better.
Shop: We still have mango and pineapple.
Students: I'll have another mango then.
Shop: Here you go.
Students: Oh no! Now you've run out of mango!
Shop: We still have pineapple.
FOR i=0 TO 20 DO
$( Students: The pineapple is horrid.
Shop: We still have pineapple.
Students: Oh well, I guess I'll drink something else instead.
Sales Representative: Would you like to order some more premium Aloe Vera drinks?
Shop: No thanks, they don't sell.

I'd have hoped they'd have learned their lesson from the days of fudge milk yes, banana milk no, but it would seem they haven't.

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