
The everyday blog of Richard Bartle.

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10:04am on Sunday, 7th June, 2020:



I collect three classes of object: historical playing cards; maps of Europe from 1869; issues #4 of the Knights of the Dinner Table comic book series. Other people have much better collections of playing cards, and museum collections of maps of Europe from 1869 far exceed my own in quality and quantity. I do probably have the world's largest collection of copies of issue #4 of the Knights of the Dinner Table comic book, though.

My mother-in-law used to collect sugar sachets.

What's more, she collected them with the sugar still in them. She wasn't interested if there was no sugar in them.

Because of this, her collection has deteriorated over the years. She died in 2011, so I think it's safe to dispose of it now.

Some of the sachets are quite interesting, though, I have to admit.

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