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11:30am on Wednesday, 4th November, 2020:
I had my first ever influenza vaccination this morning, administered by my pharmacist daughter. I've never had influenza and don't expect to catch it when the country is in lockdown and everyone is wearing masks, but it's better to be safe than sorry.
As it's my first vaccination, though, I don't know what side effects might assail me. There's a possibility that I may develop "'flu-like symptoms", which will be exciting because they could equally well be Covid-19 symptoms.
I don't know what the effect of this jab will on the chances of my catching Covid-19 badly. On one hand, telling my immune system to get to work preparing for the 'flu might leave fewer resources to fend of Covid-19. On the other hand, people who get Covid-19 badly seem to suffer from immune system over-reaction, so dampening it down a bit could help.
Knowing my luck, it'll turn out that the trigger for bad Covid-19 is that you have in the past caught some other virus. Given how susecptible to colds I am, I'm almost certain to have caught it and will therefore suffer.
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