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3:34pm on Monday, 26th August, 2019:

Number 4


We went to B&Q today because my wife wanted a lawn edger. There wasn't such a thing, but there were "lawn trimmers", which turned out to be strimmers.

Anyway, my wife found a piece of machinery that suited her: cordless, not too heavy, might possibly edge the whole lawn without needed a recharge. The display model had a card on it saying it was number 4. On the shelf above were the boxed machines.

There were two different boxes in the slot for number 4.

Looking at all the details on the card and on the boxes, there were none in the whole row that bore the same details as the card. They were all strimmers by Bosch, but they had different model numbers, power output and weight. None of the display models had cards that matched any of the details on the boxes.

In the old days, we would have had to have located a friendly member of staff for help, but time has moved on. Now, we can ask the Internet!

Thus, we bought it off Amazon instead (the web site, not the currently-aflame tropical rain forest).

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