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8:04am on Thursday, 18th April, 2019:
The conference dinner was last night, in the Eden Centre.
I've long wanted to go to this establishment, and we were told we'd be dining in the Mediterranean biome. This turned out to be not strictly true: we went into the Mediterranean biome but had to come out again after half an hour for the dinner itself. The half hour was meant to be spent looking around the biome, but we didn't know that so few of us did. I spent most of the time discussing Brexit with professors from Ireland and Romania instead.
The dinner itself was pretty good, but I woke up in the middle of the night with indigestion. Fortunately, I'd brought some Gaviscon tablets with me so was able to fend it off. I think it probably came on because I ate late, but then again it could just as well have been the Brexit conversation.
It's the last day of the conference today, with talks on games and AI. I hope won't find myself accidentally bunking off any of those to have a 2-hour conversation about the philosophy of AI, like I did yesterday morning.
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