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11:34am on Saturday, 16th November, 2019:

What are you Talking About?


Overheard in Sainsbury's:

Him: Well we could have a stir fry, we haven't had one of those in a while.
Her: What are you talking about?
Him: You know, a stir fry. Bit of this, bit of that.
Her: What are you talking about?
Him: We haven't had one for a while.
Her: What are you talking about?
Him: The last time must have been around your mum's birthday.
Her: What are you talking about?
Him: Well when do you think we last had a stir fry?
Her: Ryan, what are you talking about?
Him: What do you want to eat, then?
Her: Oh, now it's on me, is it?

Also overheard in Sainsbury's (different couple):
Her: They only ever have one bag or no bags.
Him: They're not very popular.
Her: No, they're very popular. That's why they keep running out!
Him: I don't think they keep many in stock.
Her: Why not?
Him: Not many people like them.
Her: What? Who doesn't like mussels?

Also overheard in Sainsbury's (while passing the customer service desk):
Her (angrily, holding up a bag of dishwasher tablets): These. Aren't. Onions!

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