The everyday blog of Richard Bartle.
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7:52am on Monday, 9th December, 2019:
To help UK voters decide which way to vote, here's a summary of the positions of the mainstream political parties from right to left.
Brexit Party: This election is about Brexit.
Democratic Unionist Party: This election is about Brexit as the Will of God.
Conservative Party: This election is about getting Brexit done.
Liberal Democrats: This election is about stopping Brexit.
Independent Group for Change: This election is about stopping Brexit because we don't want change.
Labour Party: This election is not about Brexit! It's about the NHS, and how Brexit would be really bad for it.
Plaid Cymru: This election is about stopping Brexit so we can have Wexit.
Scottish National Party: This election is about stopping Brexit so we can have Sexit.
Sinn Féin: This election is about stopping Brexit so we can complete Eexit without taking up the seats we win.
Green Party: This election is about stopping Brexit so we can concentrate on stopping the weather.
I hope this helps.
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