The everyday blog of Richard Bartle.
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6:21pm on Wednesday, 14th March, 2018:
It's approaching my busiest time of the year.
I have a third-year assignment due in tomorrow. I'm expecting around 50 submissions, each of which takes 15-30 minutes to mark. All marks have to be in within 3 weeks of the deadline.
Next week, I have a second-year assignment due. I'm expecting around 80 submissions, each of which takes 60-90 minutes to mark. All marks have to be in within 3 weeks of the deadline.
Two years ago, I made the second-year deadline be the start of next term rather than the end of this one, but I found that it clashed with an MSc report deadline in which I had to mark a bunch of 20-page project proposals. I therefore moved it back to the end of this term. Two days ago, I learned that the MSc report deadline has also been moved to the end of this term. All marks have to be in within 3 weeks of the deadline.
It is for this reason that I shall not be acting on the Head of School's suggestion that we claim the Easter break as part of our annual leave. If you want us to claim more leave, stop making us do so much work.
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