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7:03pm on Tuesday, 6th March, 2018:

Let's Speak English


One of my students has programmed a JRPG from scratch as his final-year project. No game engine, just straight Java. However, he's not going to pursue a career in the games industry: he's going to use his inappropriate degree to go to Japan to teach English to Japanese junior school children.

When I'm loading a new zone in an MMO, I usually atl-tab to a browser and read a cartoon. I've been through dozens of cartoons and hundreds of episodes. The latest one I'm reading, Let's Speak English, is about a young woman who uses her inappropriate degree to go to Japan to teach English to Japanese junior school children. I showed him a couple of episodes, he liked it, so I gave him the link.

As final-year project supervision goes, that's one of my more unusual successes.

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