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3:03pm on Friday, 22nd December, 2017:

Train Station Scene


I was waiting to meet my elder daughter at the train station this afternoon. The following scene unfolded as I did so.

Young Woman 1: Let us through! Our train's about to leave.
Young Woman 2: Let us through!
Barrier Operator: Where's your ticket?
YW1: We don't have one. The machine won't take our money.
YW2: It won't take our money.
BO: Speak to my colleague.
YW1: We'll pay in Ipswich.
YW2: We'll be late for work.
BO: Speak to my colleague at the desk.
YW1: The machine won't take our money.
YW2: We'll pay in Ipswich.
BO: Speak to my colleague and she'll change your money for you.
YW1: Someone's already speaking to her.
YW2: We'll be late for work.
YW1: Our train is leaving right now!
Random Man: Go on, let them through! It's Christmas!
BO: You need a ticket.
YW1: Our train is leaving!
YW2: It won't take our money!
BO: Speak to my colleague.
YW1: There's a queue.
YW2: Our train is leaving.
BO: Speak to my colleague.
[The two young women go to try their money in the ticket machine again.]
Man in his 40s: Excuse me, would it be possible to let me through? I'm meeting my daughter and she has a heavy suitcase.
BO: Sure, of course.
[He opens the barrier.]

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