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12:25pm on Saturday, 16th September, 2017:

Friendly Advice


This is just some friendly advice for all you road signs out there.

The time to tell me that the road between Braintree and Colchester has been closed for repairs is before I commit to taking the road between Braintree and Colchester. It is not two minutes after I have committed to take the road between Braintree and Colchester. If there are two main ways to get from the A1 outside Cambridge to Colchester, one of which involves taking the road between Braintree and Colchester and one of which doesn't, the time to tell me is before the junction at which I have to make the choice of which route to take. It's not two minutes after I've made that choice.

Also, you diversion signs really need to get your act together so you don't all look the same. That way, if there are two diversions that overlap on a section of road, we'll know which set is talking to us and which set is talking to other people going in a completely different direction because some other section of road has been closed for repairs.

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