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3:59pm on Monday, 22nd February, 2016:
I expect that the arguments in favour of the UK staying in the EU are going to focus on fear of the unknown. "What will happen if we leave?"
I expect that the arguments in favour of the UK leaving the EU are going to focus on fear of the known. "Look what will happen if we stay!"
BBC coverage will be scrupulously impartial, such that any vox pops they do will show an equal number of people who are in favour of leaving, in favour of staying and undecided — regardless of how many of the people they ask opinions of actually express those views.
In the meantime, Essex University has sent out an invite for a tour of the Houses of Parliament for 24th June — the day after the referendum. As the previous tour they organised was cancelled because of a late-night debate, I can't see this one getting very far...
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