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6:24pm on Monday, 19th May, 2014:
Whenever I read an article about computer games that mentions the industry, I take special note of how the author refers to that industry. There are four common terms employed:
"The games industry". This tends to be used by developers and people who play an awful lot of games.
"The computer games industry". This tends to be used by developers and people who play an awful lot of games when talking to people who don't play a lot of games.
"The videogames industr"y. This is mainly the haunt of journalists, academics and developers who cut their teeth in the 1980s.
"The gaming industry". This is used by clueless journalists and academics who don't know that it means the gambling industry but think it must be something to do with what gamers do.
Needless to say, the "games" components of those terms could also be "game". We're across-the-board consistent in our inconsistency.
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