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4:53pm on Monday, 30th May, 2011:
It's supposed to be a bank holiday today, but I had to spend it marking CE317 examination scripts. Here are some of the highlights:
- Flow can instigate a loss of consciousness in the player.
- A half-page of doodles featuring: an angler fish attracting smaller fish to eat; a baby smiling as a chainsaw was about to strike it; a snail being salted; a dinosaur eating a tree; the word DOODLE.
I'd have scanned it for you but I think there are probably rules against that for exams.
- ... which may cause the player to loose sight of the storyline ...
(That mis-spelling of lose cost them a mark).
- Question: With the aid of an example, describe the concept of the wisdom of crowds.
Answer: No Idea BUT I DO KNOW COMPUTER GAME DESIGN is super fun in University of Essex.
Overall, the average mark was 0.14% higher than the mark for CE217, so it's good to see people are improving in the third year.
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