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9:12am on Tuesday, 16th August, 2011:
Marketers Outnumber Game Designers
I keep getting emails from people who want to know how to use my player types theory to get people to do stuff in the real world that they don't want to do (such as buy stuff). Here's what I tell them:
- The warranty on my theory is only good for virtual worlds. If you apply it to real-world problems and it fails, don't blame the theory.
- Achievement rewards are only attractive to achievers. Not everyone is an achiever even in MMOs.
- People will eventually notice when the rewards you give them are worthless. Worthless rewards only work short-term.
- If the rewards you give people aren't worthless then that's simple bribery. Bribery works long-term.
- The prospect of one person winning big attracts players, but they are disappointed when that one person turns out to be someone else.
- This kind of thing can perhaps work to help people do things that they do want to do (such as lose weight). Don't ask me, though, I'm not a psychologist.
I think maybe in future I'll just point enquirers at this post...
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