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4:31pm on Monday, 14th March, 2011:
The mystery of yesterday's writing on the Jack of Clubs is revealed, thanks to QBlog readers Henry Mueller and Marc Hamann, both of whom speak French somewhat better than I do. The G in Grefle is actually a very ornate T, and there should be an accent on the first e. This makes it say Trèfle, which is the French for Club(s).
I did actually check out the Wikipedia page on suit names to see if any of them looked like they said Grefle, but they didn't. I knew that the French word was Trèfle, but it didn't look like that to me. However, my experience of reading 19th century French cursive handwriting is somewhat limited, and what I was sure was a G turned out to be a T to the more discerning eye.
Damn. I was hoping there had been a famous French person called Grefle and I was sitting on a signature worth a fortune.
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