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6:22pm on Tuesday, 7th June, 2011:
Also in today's Guardian was an article about the new phenomenon of slutwalking, which appears to be a way by which young women can advertise their bodies to the world while maintaining that the goods on display are not for sale.
The idea is that a group of women all dress like sluts and march together to make the point that dressing in a way guaranteed to attract male attention doesn't give those males the right to rape them. That's true, of course, in not quite the same way that leaving your house unlocked when you go on holiday doesn't give burglars the right to take your stuff but most people are going to lock their doors anyway. Still, there's a progressive assumption implicit in this slutwalking phenomenon of which I greatly approve, namely that most men are not actually going to rape a woman because of how much flesh she's showing; I much prefer this to to the view that most men are unable to resist the commands of their hormones, as the latter leads to cultures in which women have to cover themselves from head to toe lest they ignite too much passion among vulnerable male passers-by (which is rather insulting to men).
Anyway, that's not actually what I found interesting about this new form of protest. What I found interesting was the fact that it meant the women who marched were collectively going to have to decide what sluts actually wear (or, I guess, don't wear). If you're going to a fancy dress march as a slut, you have to get yourself a slut costume — thereby effectively labelling women who regularly wear such outfits as sluts. So, what form of dress do today's women consider sluttish?
Here's the picture from the Guardian's article:
So that's Lolita fashion, then?
Yes, I wrote this whole irreverent post just so I could have a laugh at my elder daughter's expense.
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