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5:56pm on Tuesday, 27th July, 2010:
Here are some of the various signs we spotted in and around Rome last week:
This was at the airport baggage belt:
Yes, I know you can't read it, but you can at least see the Windows error pop-up telling us all it had crashed...
Both my daughters had a cold, and I thought this chemist would be open all day:
Unfortunately, it turned out this was the 24th of July...
This was the name of a chain of really rather good ice cream shops:
Blue ice, of course, is what they call blocks of frozen human waste that fall off aircraft. I don't know whether or not the chain's owners knew this when they decided on the name...
This is a flavour of ice cream which, while blue, isn't available in Blue Ice:
No, I didn't have any.
Street signs! Some are longer than the streets they name:
Some sound like characters in bad science fiction novels:
This one has a satisfying videogame connection:
Ever wanted somewhere to park your dog?
I guess there isn't a word in Italian for "parking".
Finally, some signs that use icons. This one is warning you that the stairs could be pulled away at any moment:
This one says you can't walk, you can't drink, you can't walk and throw stuff, and you can't eat and drink:
Warning! Spacewalkers:
Do not empty wheelbarrows into red chutes:
Do not drop girders on flying people:
Escaping is forbidden:
I'll upload some more pics of Rome over the course of the next few days. We took over a thousand all told, so there's plenty to choose from...
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