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12:33pm on Sunday, 6th September, 2009:
There's a new service available, the Game Crafter, which is like a CafePress that's specific to board games. To try it out, I made a card version of a JavaScript game I wrote in 2001, Spymaster.
Here's the result:
First impressions: I'm impressed. The cards are on good stock, the printing is clear, the finish is clean (albeit more like that of collectible card games than playing cards) and they're properly cut.
On the down side, I ordered them before I went on holiday and they only arrived a couple of days ago. I had to pay over $40 for them ($6.59 for the game, the rest for international postage that assumed a much larger box than was needed), which seemed a little excessive — especially since I had deliberately chosen a game that only needed one deck of cards (even the rules are printed on cards). The system also complained that I was not using 300dpi images when I uploaded them, which I was (see!), and therefore there are some details that are not apparent (the mottling of the paper, for example). These are only teething troubles, though, so I'm not all that fussed.
The faces on the cards, by the way, are not real people. Well, they are real people, but they're composites of several of them that I put together using morphthing. The faces themselves came from unattributable pictures off the Internet, but even if they were attributable I think morphing them together puts me on fairly OK ground. Example:
Having established the basic principle, I think I'll try for something a bit more ambitious next time — a game with a board and a couple of dice.
In the meantime, if you live in the USA and have $10 to spare, hey, I know this great little bluff game you could buy...
Referenced by Unwired.
Referenced by Strip Tease.
Referenced by The Evolution of Games.
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