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10:52am on Sunday, 2nd March, 2008:
I read an article in The Observer today about some guy's discovery that you can speed up loading times on aircraft if you load people in a certain order. That order is: left window seats first, starting at the back, even rows; right window seats, starting at the back, odd rows; left window seats, starting at the back, odd rows; right window seats, starting at the back, even rows; then repeat for middle seats; then repeat for aisle seats.
Setting aside the difficulty of getting people to board aeroplanes in any order at all (many a time I've seen people trying to get aboard before their seat block is called), let's suppose that this is indeed the best algorithm for loading a plane. That doesn't explain this:
What?! You can patent the order in which passengers get on a plane?!
What next, the patenting of chess openings?
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