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8:47am on Monday, 15th October, 2007:

The Long Tail


I've just had a quick look at Fishing Champ, "the world's only 3D fishing MMO". It really is what it claims to be: a virtual world, the entire gameplay of which concerns the catching of virtual fish.

OK, fair enough. It takes all sorts.

It did make me wonder just how obscure a topic a well-advertised virtual world could have as its central theme, though.

The world's only 3D macramé MMO.
The world's only 3D kite-flying MMO.
The world's only 3D glass-blowing MMO.
The world's only 3D birdwatching MMO.
The world's only 3D ice-skating MMO.
The world's only 3D woodworking MMO.
The world's only 3D baking MMO.
The world's only 3D origami MMO.
The world's only 3D mountain-climbing MMO.
The world's only 3D gardening MMO.
The world's only 3D trainspotting MMO.
The world's only 3D pyrotechnics MMO.
The world's only 3D winemaking MMO.
The world's only 3D lock-picking MMO.
The world's only 3D camponology MMO.
The world's only 3D hiking MMO.
The world's only 3D juggling MMO.
The world's only 3D calligraphy MMO.

Aw, this is just too easy!

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