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7:57am on Thursday, 17th October, 2024:



Homeric literature exhibits a concept known as a fixed epithet (the sea is always "the wine-dark sea"). Nerja (pronounced "Nair-ha") seems to have picked up one, too: it's invariably introduced as "the beatiful village of Nerja".

I had a wander around the beautiful village of Nerja yesterday afternoon, and although it is quite quaint in places I wouldn't stretch to saáying it's beautiful. The epithet seems to be more of an indictment of Málaga than a true reflection of Nerja. The views over the Mediterranean are pretty good, though; I'll maybe upload some once I get home and can use a better image-processing program than GIMP.

Breakfast outside in the dark isn't something I'm accustomed to, but it's a good way to watch a sunrise. Alas, my phone's ability to capture northern lights does not extend either to sunrises or sunsets, both of which come out looking feeble in comparison to the real thing.
I'm not entirely sure what we're discussing at the summit today, but I think it may be games industry job losses and what to do about them. Funding and legislation may also get a look-in. Afterwards, there's a trip to the Nerja caves, which are reportedly spectacular. They were only discovered in 1959, so haven't been damaged by centuries-worth of tourists wandering around, touching walls and making them go mouldy. I'm a fan of cave systems, so am looking forward to this. Hopefully, it doesn't have enormous cave spiders like the ones I saw in the Batu cave in Malaysia and was warned not to tread on.

Here's a photo of the town square of the beautiful village of Nerja to be getting on with, anyway.

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