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6:15am on Wednesday, 16th October, 2024:



I'm at Stansted airport this morning, using my laptop so expect typos. There are too many shops and too few seats, which doesn't help.

I splashed out the extra penny and used the red car park. It's not all that much closer than the orange one, but probably more than 1p's worth. Closer still is the meet &greet car park, but last time I tried that I had to wait an hour while they collected my car as I'd inadvertently paid for a week longer than my trip. It still rankles.

Because red is nominally the most expensive car park at Stansted, it's where all the upper-middle class. It's therefore full of huge cars, which makes it quite difficult to park. The parking spaces make no concessions. I did manage to find a slot that gave me enough room to get out of my car, though. The upper-middle classes aren't always entirely concerned about parking within the ines, so sometimes are far enough to one side that people who park properly can squeeze in.

I'm here because I'm heading to the 2024 Executive Summit Europe for games, which is being held in Nerja, Spain. I'm due to give a "provocation" about AI and games, which will probably have the tone of "we're all doomed". I got special permission from the Head of School to be away during term time, just so I could attend this summit, so I'm somewhat honoured. OK, so it's only three days and I'm not teaching this term, but it's still unusual.

If I don't catch COVID-19 from this heaving mass of people, I'll be very lucky. I need to be, though, as I'm having an op to fix my umbilical hernia a week tomorrow. I did bring a face mask, which I'll save for the flight.

The mansitting next to me is either dead or not a morning person. I suspect the former.

Right! Now to upload this! I'm keen to learn whether or not Stansted suppresses mobile phone signals to make people sign up to their wi-fi service and hand over all their contact details.

Oh-oh, the bloke behind me just coughed and the one opposite is blowing his node. Maybe I should putthe mask on sooner rather than later.

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