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8:37am on Friday, 21st April, 2023:

The Nutty Knitters


My mother died in hospital, and it wasn't until I had the death certificate that I could pick up the things she had with her. I particularly wanted her phone, because then I could cancel the contract (O2 wanted to send it a text to confirm I wasn't cancelling the wrong phone). It took some time to power up, because my mother was of the opinion that electrical devices will come on quicker if you press their switch really hard, as a result of which the switch kept thinking it was being pressed when it wasn't and would turn itself off when I was trying to enter the PIN.

Anyway, along with my mother's other effects was this:

It's very sweet of the Nutty Knitters and Colchester Blanketeers to give these blankets to the relatives of the recently deceased, but I don't actually have a need for one. I'm therefore in something of a quandry. I'd feel really bad about throwing it out, but I doubt a charity shop would take it.

Maybe I'll keep it for the apocalypse. In TV programmes, people always seem to need blankets when there's an apocalypse.

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