Welcome to youhaventlived.com!
This is currently acting as a satellite for
My personal blog.
Spunky Princess
A JavaScript game.
A JavaScript game.
A JavaScript game.
A JavaScript Haiku-generator.
Dr Livingstone, I Presume?
A reskinned Spunky Princess.
A Post-Modernist Essay
Deconstruction constructed.
Stereoscopic photos
Pairs of pictures you can see in 3D if you cross your eyes right.
Knights of the Dinner Table
The Adventures of Mog & Tilly
The famous cartoons by my daughter, Jenny.
A science fantasy novel.
A genealogy site for people with my surname.
School Yarns and Howlers
Scans of the funniest 50 pages of a book I've ever read.
Testicles the Tautologist
A comic strip from 1971. "That's pronounced 'Testicleez' scrotum fans".
The Solo Dungeon
A choose-your-own-adventure style game of mine for D&D type rules, published in 1978.
MMOs from the Inside Out
Material related to my book, MMOs from the Inside Out.
MMOs from the Outside In
Material related to my book, MMOs from the Outside In.