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7:28am on Wednesday, 19th February, 2025:

10 to 11


I'm getting a new work PC today. The old one, which I basically only used for slides-editing, word-processing and email, is being replaced by another PC that I will also only use for slides-editing, word-processing and email. The difference is that the new one is Windows 11 and the old one is Windows 10.

It's harder than you might think to remove from a browser everything that it knows about you, especially when you don't have system privileges. In many cases, it's not the browser cache that's the problem so much as the fact that there's a lot of synchronisation with your profile on other computers. I could delete my Google account, but then it would have deleted it from my home PC as well, which I don't want. I'm fairly sure I managed to stop easy access to to it by the simple expedient of logging out, but if I see any strange purchases on Amazon it's because clearing the cache isn't necessarily the same thing as wiping the data from the hard drive and replacing it with zeroes.

Quite why the university would want to replace a swathe of Windows 10 PCs in the middle of a finance squeeze isn't clear, but I guess they must have signed contracts when they weren't expecting to be cash-strapped and it turned out to be less expensive to go through with them than to cancel them.

I don't expect I'll be playing many games on the new PC, because I'll need system privileges to install Steam (and the games). Also, I doubt it's going to have a decent graphics card. Oh well, slides-editing, word-processing and email it is, then.

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