
The everyday blog of Richard Bartle.

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10:09am on Wednesday, 1st January, 2025:

So Long, 2024


It's that time of year when I look at what blog posts were popular the previous year. This time round, I actually remembered to record the numbers for all the months, so can give a complete picture. Only the top 30 items on the site appear in the stats, and most of those are of meta-elements (RSS files, CSS files, .ico files, and the QBlog landing page, that kind of thing).

Anyway, here are the entries that made it to the top 30 each month, along with their topic and the number of hits they got:
335    My younger daughter's wedding. https://www.youhaventlived.com/qblog/2024/QBlog130124A.html
326    Moaning about no phone signal outside the M&S changing rooms. https://www.youhaventlived.com/qblog/2024/QBlog070124A.html
292    Saying I did a lot of work but it wasn't what I inteded to do. https://www.youhaventlived.com/qblog/2024/QBlog230224A.html
272    A mis-spelling of "quackers". https://www.youhaventlived.com/qblog/2024/QBlog020324A.html
352    Students' use of ChatGPT. https://www.youhaventlived.com/qblog/2024/QBlog260424A.html
332    A comment on reports of the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings. https://www.youhaventlived.com/qblog/2024/QBlog070624A.html
184    AI diffusion models of MUD1 room descriptions. https://www.youhaventlived.com/qblog/2024/QBlog070824A.html
202    A gripe about multi-choice questions. https://www.youhaventlived.com/qblog/2024/QBlog020924A.html
208    A long post about dreaming issues that turned out to be wrong. https://www.youhaventlived.com/qblog/2024/QBlog101124A.html
183    A photograph of a Colchester church with no hands on its clock. https://www.youhaventlived.com/qblog/2024/QBlog071124A.html
179    A piece on some books I bought at the local annual book fair. https://www.youhaventlived.com/qblog/2024/QBlog031124A.html
172    A post about childhood books. https://www.youhaventlived.com/qblog/2024/QBlog111124A.html
560    A photograph of a bauble bath. https://www.youhaventlived.com/qblog/2024/QBlog041224A.html
241    I bought some more antique playing cards. https://www.youhaventlived.com/qblog/2024/QBlog091224A.html
241    I bought some more playing cards. https://www.youhaventlived.com/qblog/2024/QBlog191224A.html
197    Computer Science versus the rest of the Universityhttps://www.youhaventlived.com/qblog/2024/QBlog011224A.html
196    An old poster on display in the university. https://www.youhaventlived.com/qblog/2024/QBlog101224A.html
187    The propensity of the BBC to state the obvious. https://www.youhaventlived.com/qblog/2024/QBlog031224A.html

Most of these are only one or two lines long, and there was something of an uptick in November and December compared to earlier months. I suspect that someone has started reposting some of the shorter ones in a private social media group, but I'm not complaining. At least someone is reading them!

A number of posts from previous years also featured, some of which are old friends:
413    Colchester road signs (from 2005). https://www.youhaventlived.com/qblog/2005/QBlog160705A.html
852    An ad in The Independent about eatring cancer (from 2007). https://www.youhaventlived.com/qblog/2007/QBlog210107A.html
2584    A short rant about the Great Limerick Craze (from 2007). https://www.youhaventlived.com/qblog/2007/QBlog100907A.html
180    My discussion of a World of Warcraft zone (from 2009). https://www.youhaventlived.com/qblog/2009/QBlog170509A.html
1799    The red-nosed clown joke (from 2010). https://www.youhaventlived.com/qblog/2010/QBlog030510A.html
4608    A random long-and-boring post about some playing cards I bought. https://www.youhaventlived.com/qblog/2013/QBlog250413A.html

The appearance of some of those is inexplicable.

Elsewhere on my web site, my player types paper gets about 8000 downloads a month and my book Designing Virtual Worlds gets about 4000. How to Be a God gets something like 700, which is still respectable but hasn't translated into citations (it has 3).

Outside of QBlog, 2024 was somewhat better than 2023. However, as you read Qblog (or you wouldn't be seeing this), you know that already.

Enjoy 2025!

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