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9:11am on Monday, 21st October, 2024:



One of the very nice touches at the Games Executive Summit Europe was that a well-known sketch artist from the beautiful village of Nerja had been engaged to draw portraits of all the attendees, based on the photos they submitted for the web site. They're very good!

They were in monochrome, because a test colour picture of the conference organiser (Iván Fernandez Lobo) demonstrated that it would take too long to do everyone that way.

Here's my photo on the wall, to the right of Iván's; that's Sir Ian Livingstone to the left.

We got to take the photos home with us. I don't know what to do with mine, as I'm all out of parents to give it to. I think I'll keep it in its tube.

The artist's name, which you can see from his signature, is Msquiggle Esquiggle.

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