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2:08pm on Wednesday, 6th December, 2023:

Student Experience


We have this board up in the School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering.

I suspect that, as is often the case with such boards, what happens is that "We Did" something then looked around for a matching "You Said".

The first "You Said" reads:
"Can the School try to retain some of the innovation and benefits that learning remotely has given us?".

The corresponding "We Did" reads:
Yes! Enhanced video recordings as learning resources, Zoom for academic support hours and student engagement events and the Horizon lab that gives remote 24hr access to specialist software are here to stay!

So we didn't actually do anything. Rather, we didn't do something.

The second "You Said" reads:
"I would like a female mentor in CSEE to speak to"

The corresponding "We Did" reads:
Our WCSEE Society can provide you with a female mentor! Get in contact now: [redacted]@essex.ac.uk

They're lucky that this is CSEE, where students are averse to mentors. In any other department, there would be male students asking for female mentors simply because "you said we'd be provided with one". (Hmm, maybe not Language and Linguistics, as 81% of staff members there are female) (18% are female in CSEE, if you're wondering).

I've yet to see any You Said, We Did board anywhere that doesn't make the organisation that erected it look vaguely worse than it would have done if the achievements hadn't been noted.

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