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9:25am on Tuesday, 20th December, 2022:

More Dheghōm


The conveyor belt continues with the next three chapters of Dheghōm falling off the end today. Much as I wish I were writing these at the speed I'm releasing them, sadly that's not how it works.

The individual new chapters are here:
Matter 13: https://www.youhaventlived.com/dhegh%c5%8dm/Matter%2013.pdf
Matter 14: https://www.youhaventlived.com/dhegh%c5%8dm/Matter%2014.pdf
Matter 15: https://www.youhaventlived.com/dhegh%c5%8dm/Matter%2015.pdf

All the chapters released to date are on the place-holder Dheghōm.com web site (https://www.youhaventlived.com/dhegh%c5%8dm/ without URL finagling). Because this is the half-way point chapter-wise, I thought it might be helpful to list the chapters along with their titles to make it easier to go back to earlier ones if you've lost track of where you were when you gave up.

Matter 13 is the shortest in the book.

Matter 14 is an interview.

Matter 15 contradicts an earlier Matter's suggestion and relates to Matter 14.

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