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6:03pm on Wednesday, 2nd November, 2022:



I was in Cambridge today, giving a talk at the Hyperconnected Human conference run by Cambridge Wireless. Most of it was about the Metaverse in various forms, but I keynoted the stream on hyperconnected entertainment. That's not as impressive as it sounds: basically, I got 10 minutes to deliver it instead of the 5 other people got.

I spent the first half of my presentation introducing myself with the usual set of slides. Still, I did manage to make a point (that in games, humans don't want hyperconnectivity with other humans, they just want connectivity with 10-20 friends). I also offered a suggestion as to how to arrange this. Slides here: https://mud.co.uk/richard/CambridgeWireless.pdf.

I met some old faces while I was there, including journalist Simon Rockman, whom I last met face-to-face in about 1984. The conference was a lot more interesting than I'd expected it to be, but I had to miss the closing keynote (by another old friend, David Birch) so I could be interviewed for a podcast. Also, I wanted to get home before it got dark (and I'd have managed it, too, if there hadn't been a four-mile queue of traffic to get onto the A12 at Marks Tey).

Oh well, back to proper work tomorrow!

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