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9:04am on Thursday, 12th August, 2021:



I usually park my FFXIV characters in the Gold Saucer (a giant amusement arcade), because there's a mini-game in there I like: Mini-Cactpot. I've mentioned this before: the way it works is that the numbers 1 to 9 are placed at random in a grid, and one of them is exposed (also at random). The player gets to expose three more of their choice, then they select a line of three numbers. The total of the numbers in the line gives a prize, but basically you aim for 1 2 3 or, if you can't get that, 7 8 9.

I'm really good at this puzzle, and will always find the 1 2 3 if it's there (although I'll take 7 8 9 if those numbers are exposed as a row). Naturally, 1 2 3 isn't always there, but I'll usually get one or two of them between all my parked characters every day.

Recently, there's been a promotion in the Gold Saucer that adds 50% to prizes. This means that instead of the usual 10,000 Gold Saucer points you get for winning, you receive 15,000. Sadly, it ended this week — but not before I managed to get three 1 2 3 lines in a row on the same character a couple of times.

Gold Saucer points have no gameplay value, but then neither do experience points really.

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