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8:46am on Tuesday, 9th January, 2007:

Elder's Moonstone


I don't normally post World of Warcraft anecdotes here, but what the heck...

Every Chinese New Year — sorry, every Lunar Festival — there are a number of one-off WoW quests. Last year, I wound up with a bunch of Elder's Moonstones, which I kept in my bank along with other useless stuff such as firework boxes that only work when close to firework launchers that are only there for a couple of weeks before disappearing. The Elder's Moonstones work the whole year round, though.

Elder's Moonstones don't really do anything. All that happens when you use one is that a pillar of light comes down from the sky for three minutes. It's a bit like a spotlight, except it extends about 3 metres into the air instead of just being on the ground.

Well, with the Chinese New Year Lunar Festival just around the corner, I thought I'd spend last year's Elder's Moonstones, of which I had 5 left. Now the thing is, the server I play on isn't a year old. I picked the moonstones up on my old server, from which I transferred my paladin a couple of months ago. This means that there aren't many Elder's Moonstones around, and that most of the players — even the level 60s — have never seen one before.

So, the first thing I did was to pick a random stranger in Stormwind and put him in the middle of a shaft of light. It was quite amusing: people came up asking him how he did it, they'd go into it and dance, they demanded to know "what the hell is that?!", and the poor guy hadn't the faintest idea what had happened. He logged off before it was finished.

OK, so at that point I realised I'd effectively played a practical joke, and felt somewhat guilty on account of how I hate them. I resolved to balance my karma by heading to Ironforge and putting a moonstone on someone who might benefit from it. When I arrived, I found someone advertising the sale of mithril spurs on IF bridge, so I went along. He was standing on one of the bridge pedestals, so looked quite effective when I bathed him in light.

What happened next was quite extraordinary. He took off his clothes, started dancing, and announced to the passing crowds that he was Jesus. It was pretty damned hilarious, to the extent that even my wife laughed when I called her through to see (yes, I realise I should have taken a screenshot). Afterwards, I asked him if he wanted another moonstone on him, but he said no, as he'd sold all his mithril spurs now.

I used my third moonstone on a crowd in the auction house. No-one so much as blinked. I think they were probably all scanning it with their newly-fixed auctioneer plug-in.

I used my fourth one showing my younger daughter what it did. I put it on a post box, rather than a person, but it still had people going into it and dancing and asking what it was and whether it was safe.

So, I have one left.

I think I'll save it for a raid.

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